Communicate more effectively through unified communication Services

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Telecommunication infrastructure is the most fundamental aspect of modern business. Your business phone system is the fundamental technology that opens the door for business communication and establishes your accessibility for business counterparts and partners. Naturally, it is vital that this basic infrastructure is updated and technologically sound.


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    Conventionally, business phone service comprises an interconnected network of multiple telephone instruments. These are well-equipped to handle advanced telecalling features like call handling, transferring, conferencing, call metering, voice messaging, etc. Your small business phone system can vary from a few telephones setup to a more elaborate and complicated grid on a private branch exchange, popularly called PBX.

    With the advent of cloud technology and the increased availability of advanced instruments, telephony too has undergone a radical transformation. While traditional PBX phone systems are still around in many small and medium organisations, most businesses have found it cost-effective to move to a hosted business phone system. A hosted telephone system is usually an internet-backed telephone system connected to a server and software. The physical telephones are installed on-premises while the server is placed at a data centre. Modern technology has enabled this main server to be on a cloud platform, situated off-site and not necessarily at the same premises as the telephonic infrastructure. Hosted phone systems deliver similar facilities like advanced call routing, sending and reviving business texts, managing voicemails, and one-tap switch from a telephonic voice call to a video meeting.

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    Still wondering why so many organisations are moving to cloud-hosted PBX solutions? A hosted phone system turns out to be cost-effective since companies do not have to invest in bulky PBX hardware. Cloud telephony is better known as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), wherein the telephonic framework is integrated into the cloud platform. However, monitoring expenses and keeping costs under budget is simpler since you only pay for services you use. The service enables users to sign in and so, is immensely flexible in terms of allowing remote working. Some of the key features offered by cloud-hosted phone solutions are:

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  • Online management where administrators can make certain changes like adding users, removing users, etc.

  • Ring groups which are nothing but a tool to organise employees according to their departments or any other cluster approach

  • Voicemail-to-email, a feature that enables transcriptions of conversations to be delivered to employees’ emails

  • Call queue, that organises callers on hold and in queue till a resource is free to speak to them

  • Unlimited calling at no extra cost

  • Video/web conferencing for virtual meetings and with varying capacities i.e. maximum number of people who can attend a call

  • Instant messaging, that enables users to send urgent or critical messages

  • Text messaging, that allows employees to send messages via their smartphones

  • Auto-attendant or AI-backed virtual assistants that answer and transfer calls

  • Automated extension dialling

  • Conference calling, where several people attend one single call

  • Finally, the onus of managing, maintaining and repairing the system on a separate server lies with the hosting company or service provider. Today, modern businesses with a future-ready approach have deployed hybrid phone systems, which enable them to step up efficient communication so that you can keep connecting with confidence.

    Why Tel5?

    One integrated cloud platform, myriad modern functions, simple interface and seamless experience, these are the assurances of service that we at Tel5 are committed to. Further, Tel5 has recently joined hands with Australia’s leading telephone service provider, Ring Central, to bring the best and latest in VoIP, on a unified communication platform. So, you get the best possible hosted cloud telephony experience.

    With numerous years of valuable experience in successful implementation of integrated digital solutions, Tel5 is now well-placed in a position of strength. Tel5 has earned the repute of being a primary, one-stop ICT service provider, with special focus on small and medium enterprises. Tel5 is based out of Adelaide and its technical support team too is completely local and available just a click or call away. Tel5 is fully equipped to design, deploy and maintain a bespoke hosted phone service. Rather, your plan will be completely tailormade with the flexibility to scale up or pare down, in accordance with your changing business requirements.

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